Lecture Notes and Class Discussions
Lecture notes and videos are available at https://klms.kaist.ac.kr
CBE221 분자열역학 및 에너지 시스템 Molecular Thermodynamics and Energy Systems
CBE321 분리공정 Separation processes
CBE532 물질 전달 Mass Transfer
CBE591 생명화학공학특론 <Diffusion in Nanoporous Materials>
CBE591 생명화학공학특론 <Carbon Capture, Utilization, Sequestration and Removal>
CBE602 생명화학공학의 문제해결 Problem-Solving in CBE
CBE481C 창의 융합 설계의 이론 Creative Integrated Design Theory
CBE481D 창의 융합 설계의 실험 Creative Integrated Design Experiment
CBE481 생명화학공학 디자인 실습 Chemical Engineering Design Practice
HSS 189 새내기 세미나 Freshman Seminar